Claremont Streets for People

Helping Claremont become a LEADER in BIKING AND WALKING by redesigning our streets and CALMING traffic for the safety and wellbeing of All

Streets for People...

The redesign of Mountain Ave from Bonita to Base Line is the #1 priority for CSP. Over 2,000 children go to school on Mountain Avenue at El Roble, Mountain View & Condit. There are parks, senior centers, churches and community centers on Mountain as well.

For all the design details see the Mountain Avenue Complete Streets Project page 

CSP publishes a Monthly Newsletter about the Claremont transportation space and safer streets.

Click here to read past newsletters. Sign up at the top of the page to get it in your inbox!

📣 Call to Action 📣

Claremont Streets for People is looking for interested participants at all levels: active members, monthly meeting participants, event planners, advocates, and ride leaders.  Please email us and let us know where you would like to fit in:

Sign Up for more information!

Learn more about designing Streets for People

Many people in Claremont want to bike and walk more, but we need safe, connected infrastructure to make it to happen

Quality design & engineering is what makes a street safe. 

If people are speeding, if the street is dangerous, if crashes occur, enforcement and education are NOT the answer, instead we need BETTER DESIGN!